Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful easter holiday! We had a nice, relaxing day here in Michigan with just the 3 of us. We started off the day with Kendall discovering her easter basket. She loved the eggs with candy in them- she shook every one of them hoping that they all had something in it. We then went to church with our neighbors. I know to our southern friends her "easter" dress doesn't like quite springy enough, but do you see the snow outside. We had to improvise and pull out a spring-colored dress! Oh well!

Taking Care of the Twins

Kendall is going to be such a great help when the babies arrive. This weekend I was sitting on the couch and Kendall wanted to give the babies a kiss. Then she said they were hungry and ran around the room until she found a bottle and proceeded to feed the babies through my belly button. Next she said they had pooped and needed a clean diaper. She ran to get a clean diaper and tried to figure out how to change their diaper. And I thought I was going to need a nanny to help me with the babies!!!

Potty Training?!?

We've started working on potty training but as you can tell from this picture we've not had great results yet! She thinks she needs to "peep" like daddy and even has sound effects that go with it!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

San Francisco

James and Ashley got to have a long weekend by themselves in San Francisco- trying to squeeze in a few little trips before the twins arrive! We did tons of walking, all day long, up and down hills, even made it to the top of Lombard Street (the most crooked, hilly street)! I'd have to say this is not advisable for a pregnant woman!! It was a wonderful trip with lots of eating and sightseeing. Kendall had a fun weekend with Grandma and Papa, but was ecstatic when we arrived there to pick her up. There's nothing like an excited 2 year old's hug to make you feel loved!!

Future Hairstylist?!?

We had to get a new picture up so you wouldn't have to see poor Kendall's banged up face anymore. She's got that good 'ole fair skin and the bruises have just gone away in the last week or so. Kendall recently has found a love for bows and other hair products. I do believe she may have a future in hair- what do you think?